
Beth grew up on front porches in Northeast Georgia. She lives with her partner in crime and their offspring.

To contact: Bethdaw <at> gmail (dot) com and on Twitter: @BethDawkins

My fiction and where to read it!!

“On Arrow,” Impossible Worlds, 2023, Issue 4

“The Grid,” Thank You For Joining the Algorithm, Tenebrous Press, 2023

“Beautiful Poison in Pastel,” Apex Magazine, March 2023, Issue 136

“Eilam is Forever,” Apex Magazine, July/August 2021, Issue 124

“Small Hopes and Dreams,” Apex Magazine, November 2020, Mini-Issue

“War Lily,” Analog Science Fiction and Fact, March/April 2020

“Tasting Bleach and Decay in the City of Dust,” If This Goes On Anthology, Parvus Press, March 2019

“The Pulse of Memory,” Apex Magazine, January 2019, Issue 116

“Watchtower,” Heroic Fantasy Short Stories Anthology, Flame Tree Collections, July 2017